Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Dec 19, 2007, Noon in the Azores

Heavy Weather

While I was in Southampton I read an article in the Sunday New York Times about a passenger mutiny on the Sapphire Princess in Asia. The passengers rebelled because the officers cancelled three ports due to weather. A typhoon was bearing down on them, making three ports dangerous. 

Mobile phones have changed everything in the cruise ship business. As soon as there’s any hint of something gone wrong on a ship within range of a cell tower, the passengers are dialing up CNN and reporting the crisis, whether real or imagined. 

Happy 21st Caitlin

Today is Caitlin’s 21st birthday. She’s a little hard to get ahold of at this point in her life, but maybe she’ll stumble across this posting in her old man’s blog. Happy birthday Caitlin!

I remember two things about my 21st, back when the earth had just cooled. I remember going to Bonisio’s Liquor on Pacific Avenue in Santa Cruz and demanding that the clerk check my ID, at which time he said, “Well, you could have fooled me.” To which I replied, “Well I have been, for the last 3 years.”

And Margie Baer and Ginger gave me a cheese, an Edam if I remember right. Thanks, Ginger, and thanks, Margie, wherever you are.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey - Hope you're doing well. Sounds like you have had some decent hang time with the cooler people on board.

Writing any charts lately? I've got a need for a few. Let me know if you have time and I'll get the titles to you.

Did Jim get his snare yet?

All's well ashore.
